It seems that everywhere i look on GroupCard i see an allusion to pets
Monday, November 24, 2008
Pets, more pets, and PetSmart
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Cool Press: GroupCard in
Ingrid Taylar, a SF-focused contributor to, just published a phenomenally written piece about GroupCard. She somehow managed to tell our story, describe our service, and detail certain features - all in one page.
If you're just getting to know GroupCard, this is probably THE piece to read.
GroupCard Redesigns the Group Card
If you've ever been part of the fractured and stealth group-card giving process you'll appreciate the ease of bringing everyone together in one electronic spot -- without having to circulate and hide the card, without missing the people who are out of the office, or 1,500 miles away.
GroupCard began in 2007 as a prototype on the Stanford University campus and now has headquarters in Menlo Park, with the bulk of the team based in Milwaukee. In the world of e-cards, it's a relative newcomer. But the interface is addictive in its autonomy. It allows signatories a measure of control over the desktop graphics. And it bridges the geography which normally constrains the traditional group card and paper-bound well wishes.
Sending a GroupCard is free. You can choose from a variety of templates or use your own image to create the cover. You then sign the card and have an optional add of audio or images. Once you've settled on those parameters, invite others to sign the card. GroupCard lets you interface with Facebook or Outlook. You also program in a date and time for card delivery. And, as a final touch, your GroupCard can be used as a group gift pool. Part of the card creation process allows you to attach a gift card to which other people can add amounts. Individual donations are anonymous and accrue on the gift.
The final product is electronic. But GroupCard has added printing options -- either DIY (downloadable), or produced by GroupCard in the form a poster card, a wall poster, or a flip book.
The GroupCard Hall of Fame and blog page has some GroupCard examples to inspire GroupCard newbies.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
October Wrapup....
It seems that things are taking hold, and people are really starting to find out about us! Boss's day was a great success, and we watched hundreds of lucky bosses around the world get some GroupCard love from their office teams.
In October, there were over seventy thousand signatures on cards, and over twenty five hundred cards with over five signatures. Importantly, we are celebrating yet another (6th in a row) month of record revenue.
In October, GroupCard was selected as an FBFund finalist. This means that the good people at Facebook (and Accel and FoundersFund) have awarded us a $25k grant. We are now gearing up for the final selection, where we are eligible for another $225k in additional grant money. We're hoping for your vote!
...and here's this months's select list of "cool new groupcard teams":
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Cool Press: GroupCard in the Christian Science Monitor
Wow... it's super exciting to be featured by one of the world's most decorated publications. In its 100-year history, the Monitor has earned seven Pulitzer Prizes and hundreds of other awards.
It's really neat how they capture the essence of GroupCard with such effeciently worded description.
Six Picks: Recommendations from the Monitor staff
Tally up your carbon footprint, giggle at 30-second 'bunnified' movies, lift your mood with some Depression-era blues, and more.
"To You.... From All of Us
Signing group cards for co-workers is easier than you think. lets you "e-vite" people (telecommuters, too) to "sign" an e-card – and even contribute money to an Amazon gift card. Specify how long people can access the card, and then, at the appointed time, off it goes!"
Monday, October 13, 2008
Cool Press: PCMag credits GroupCard as "The Good" in how Tech has changed our lives
GroupCard was just mentioned in a PCMagazine that describes how tech changes our lives, making some things easier, other things more impersonal and complicated. We're thrilled to see that GroupCard was mentioned amongst ranks of Gmail, Skype, Meebo, Kayak and others.
"The Good:
For the past decade or so, technology has transformed the way we communicate, in part due to the advent of the Internet. Instead of mailing letters, we're writing e-mails through Gmail or Windows Live Hotmail that can be sent instantaneously to a recipient. We can even add multiple recipients to these e-mails, so that more than one person can read them. Even more, we can send greeting cards over the Web with sites like and No postage needed!"
Thursday, October 9, 2008
September Wrapup
September was a bit of a transitional month we adjusted to the mix shift between our core site and our facebook application traffic. As part of this, we began to understand our "card-to-card K factor" and other really interesting viral metrics.
September marked our sixth streight moth of record revenue, record "average signers-per-card", and over 1300 cards with over over 5 signatures.
Finally, we are excited to see teams from these companies start to use GroupCard.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Create your company’s holiday cards on GroupCard!
We’ve been noticing many companies creating holiday cards using GroupCard- especially teams that are located around the world or on different schedules. By getting your group to contribute to a card for clients, suppliers, or other business partners, the whole office can save time and hassle involved in holiday greeting cards. Check out your options here: Here are a few news covers- just-in-time for Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Junkanoo, St. Nicholas Day, Advent, Hogmany, Ganga Bois, Japanese New Year, Las Posadas, or another special day around the world!